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Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:34 am
by Adjudicator
Welcome to the ABMS Forum.

The purpose of our forum is to provide new and experienced users of our products a means to:
    keep up to date on developments taking place and planned for the future,
    take part in discussions related to our products (thus spreading the knowledge),
    give feedback on how we can improve our products,
    seek help on specific issues relating to our products,
    become aware of specific limitations within our products.
The contents of this forum is not available to Guests and Visitors, therefore you must register.

To start participating, please follow the steps below:
    Click on the Register link at the top of the page and fill in the form.
    You will then need to select which Usergroup(s) you wish to participate in. So click on the 'Usergroups' link at the top of the page.
    Under the section bar titled 'Join a Group' you will see a drop-down list. Select the group you want to join and press View Information.
    You will now see a Join Group button, press it to request membership.
    If you like, you can send a Private Message to the moderator/administrator to let them know you've joined.

The moderator of each group you request membership in will process your application forthwith and you will receive email notification.

We have chosen to utilise 'Usergroups' to cover the various business areas that ABMS operates in, thus allowing you to focus on the areas of interest to you.

Please note that cookies are used on this site to allow automatic login. The cookie will remember your login details for 90 days.

We hope you find the forum useful and informative.

Best regards,
Dimitri "Napoleon BlownApart" Joukoff
Advanced Business Management Solutions