F4 [V] PAVEWAY vs Fighter

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Postby xianzai » Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:28 am

>What does a different scoring system have to do with AWOL pilots wasting activated pilots time?


>So consider this: Under you idea, no one should advance unless they win a match, so what happens when 5 pilots above an active pilot are AWOL? How does he challenge above them?

If its volunteer for admins the way it is now, then yes the vpilot likely has to wait.

>Does he have to wait for the administrators to take their time and put X pilots on leave, or does he have to challenge each and every one of the inactive 5 above him, and wait 4 days a piece before administration gets the idea there is something wrong with not awarding defaults because of AWOL pilots?

Its not my idea first off.
Your point shows exactly why an automatic system needs to be setup to check how active pilots are, if there were 5000 vpilots it would be impossible for admins to keep track.
With 30 vpilots now its hard enough.

Get cracking nap!

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Postby KidVicious » Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:41 pm

I'm still not sold on why a tracking system needs to be implemented for activity.

You're either here and available for challenges, or you're not. That's extremely simple and only requires moving a pilot to MIA, or leave status if they are AWOL. Or a place for AWOL pilots. A pilot would be considered AWOL in an instance such as FightR's.

Default wins in the event that a pilot is AWOL, or there are several around him that are also AWOL, this alleviates possible scenarios like suggested above also.

If Default points bother you so much, does it seem to make sense that if a pilot (in your eyes) unjustly advances above his capabilities on the ladder, would not be "given the smack down" and put back where he belongs?

Of course this would happen. We've seen a few pilots get somewhat higher than expected, only to be violently defeated and dropped back closer to their echelon in the ladder.

The same would hold true of any pilot that per chance may advance farther than was expected of their capabilities through a default. Basically saying, "This will be short lived for you unless you prove it"...

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Postby xianzai » Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:58 pm

>I'm still not sold on why a tracking system needs to be implemented for activity.
You're either here and available for challenges, or you're not. That's extremely simple and only requires moving a pilot to MIA, or leave status if they are AWOL. Or a place for AWOL pilots. A pilot would be considered AWOL in an instance such as FightR's.

It may be simple if someone has the spare time available and is willing to use it to determine how active a vpilot is on top of other admin duties.
If you consider how long it would take to determine if only one vpilot is active that should help you realize why an auto system would be the way to go. Multiply that a few times and you'll see.

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Postby KidVicious » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:08 pm

Other admin duties?! LOL!

It doesn't take long, they miss a match, pilot is AWOL. How hard is that to understand? It's a few mouse clicks?!?

Dude, I'm going to drop this, as it's clear you're not understanding what I'm trying to present. You guys do whatever you feel is necessary, I'm just trying to keep you from engaging in unecessary efforts.

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Postby xianzai » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:26 pm

Your right, I'm obviously not.
I think your now saying we should wait for a vpilot ( who is not active ) to more then likely not take the time to go on leave, not fly a match and not respond to a challenge which will result in the other vpilot getting a default win resulting in the non active pilot being put on leave.

While an automatic system that keeps track of how often a vpilot logs onto this board, flies and posts which would give vpilots a heads up of who's active before they challenge would be more work?

These perks are really doing my mind in!

Just thought of something, what if someone makes multi non active members for themselves to challenge and get points from. Manually that would be impossible to deal with, automatically would be much easier.

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