I sent you a long reply and it timed out on me and trashed out, sorry, my score is real low and probably bring yours down even if you Win 6-0 but would be honered to fly against a True Life F16 Pilot, I am sure you are very humble kind person, unlike what many people on the Wings pretend to be as their skills get very high................kind of ironic, you can select some times like say (3) and keep in mind I am on California USA Time GMT - 7 which I am sure you are familiar with
I like to fly when I am NOT sleeping obviously, I will let you do the math, my wife sleeps in until 9:30 hours GMT - 7 or 8, I still cannot do the transfer right, but 0930 California Time on up until 1900 hours so how is that for a time spread for you?
Again, I will be totally honored to have you clean my clock as I have < 2 years on my very first Sim, let alone Fly a real one
So I will be glad to have you destroy me