Extension of Season 4's RACE

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Extension of Season 4's RACE

Postby Nap » Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:32 pm

Hi gentlemen,

As you are all aware, each season comprises of two stages, the RACE and the DIVISIONS. At the moment, the RACE goes for one (1) month and the DIVISIONS for two (2) months.

I would like to propose a slight change in the format for the competition; to extend the time for the RACE to two (2) months. This change will take effect immediately and therefore the current RACE will end at the end of NOVEMBER instead of October just gone by.

By doing this, we could overlap seasons. Thus when Season 4's DIVISIONS start, Season 5's RACE would also start. When Season 5's DIVISIONS start, Season 6's RACE would also start, and so on.

vPilots participating in the current season's DIVISION stage are of course able to participate in the RACE for the next season. Since the DIVISION stage has a limited number of challenges, having the next season's RACE in progress will enable vPilots to do more flying while they are organising their DIVISIONAL matches. (Note that the current season's DIVISIONAL matches should take priority.)

The other advantage of the overlap is that new vPilots who join the league will not have to wait for the current season's DIVISIONAL stage to finish since the next season's RACE will already be underway.

I have sent the above in an email to all of you. (The email didn't include the actual message. I am following this problem up with my web hosting company.)
If you have any feedback, please post it here.

Also, we will be implementing some rule changes to encourage completion of challenges made.


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