f4(V) Splash vs Warlock

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f4(V) Splash vs Warlock

Postby Splash » Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:37 pm

Good morning

I am available today (tues 19th) just about all day(1200 gmt to 2200 gmt). After today will be unavailable until the 24th. Give me a shout here or on icq.


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Postby Warlock » Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:59 am

Hey, Splash!

Last night I PMed BUFF about putting myself "On Leave", and see this morning they've added that section. I'm just on the way out for a couple Docs appointments, and its not likely I'll be home before 2200 GMT, tonight.

I'm packing, getting ready to move half my things to storage and the other half to a rooming house (out on Comp on an injury, and seeing some tough times, here). So... I don;t think we'll make it today, and I MAY not be back up to "flyable" state until the 1st or 2nd.

So... I'll post in the Challenge Forum, but I think we're going to have to Void this one until I can get things stable, here. Terribly sorry, as I DO want to fly with you. With luck I might be able to get back in service before you outclimn me too far on the Ladder. Let's call this a Void, but only temporarily. Sound Good?

Feel free to e-mail me anyway, I'll still be able to check webmail and whatnot. So we'll stay in touch, and get back in the air shortly. Until then, great luck on the Ladder, and yes... I WILL be back and looking for you, lol!


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F4(v) splash vs warlock

Postby Splash » Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:10 am

Not a problem. Sorry 'bout the med problems...we'll be here when u get back. Agreed on the Void.


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