In order to improve communication between competitors, the admin team strongly recommends that you get ICQ (if you don't already have it).
The main reasons for this recommendation are as follows:
- ICQ has better options than MSN when it comes to authorizations,
- In ICQ you can have your nickname showing instead of your email address, so it's easier for others to recognise who you are,
- ICQ allows you to leave a message even if the other person is off-line when you sent it.
Whilst I use ICQ and MSN, I much prefer ICQ. However, I don't actually use the standard ICQ program, I use Miranda instead.
The advantages of using Miranda are:
- No advertising,
- Less computer resources, eg. memory and cpu usage,
- Can access ICQ, MSN, AIM, Jabber, IRC, and many other instant messengers (incl Gmail) from the one program.
- A variety of options in the program, like sorting contacts by groups.
There are a number of similar programs, (eg. Trillian) that do similar things to Miranda.
Please consider getting an ICQ account and using it.
You will not regret the improvements.
It will also make it a lot easier to contact your opponents when organising matches.