Completely Dead?

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Completely Dead?

Postby Cyborg » Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:18 pm

Just wondering if anyone still stops by here and who is still flying elsewhere.

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Postby BUFF » Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:35 pm

Hi Cyborg, yep still stop in from time to time. NAP has been very busy lately, maybe when he has more time we can fire this puppy back up.


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Postby Nap » Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:58 pm

Hey Guys,

It's been a while, and there's been some changes in the community; LP is no longer, .... As in the past, the community bounced back and continues the progress.

I've been away from Falcon for a while and haven't been keeping up with. Arpad kindly let me know recently there is a new BMS out (but I think I will need a new PC to fly it).

Secure Falcon is still working, though the last issued config file is for Allied Force Patch 12. I believe (as it's been a while) that I can get SF working with the BMS patch (or whatever the requirement is).

What is the 'standard' install these days amongst the squadrons?

Is there a desire in the community to Dog Fight?

As you can see, all the IDFL related material is still available. If so, I'm happy to get back into it (though not 24/7 like b4).

Look forward to hearing from you all.


PS.. I intend on making Secure Falcon available free of charge to all members of the Falcon community, rather than limiting it to IDFL members. Hopefully this will make competing online easier for those who are 'testing the waters' so to say.

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Postby xrhstaras » Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:40 am

Nap wrote:Is there a desire in the community to Dog Fight?

Yes there is one :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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